Understanding the Withholding Tax Provisions in Nigeria Finance Act 2022.


The Nigeria Finance Act 2022 brings about several changes to the country’s tax landscape, including amendments to withholding tax provisions. Withholding tax is a crucial component of tax collection, as it ensures that taxes are deducted at the source before payments are made to various categories of income earners. In this article, we will delve into the key aspects of the withholding tax provisions introduced by the Nigeria Finance Act 2022 and provide insights into how it impacts both businesses and individuals.

  • Expanding the Scope of Withholding Tax:

The Act expands the scope of withholding tax to cover more types of transactions. While this widens the tax net, it also means that a broader range of income earners may be subject to withholding tax.

Implication: Businesses and individuals receiving payments covered by withholding tax provisions must be aware of their tax obligations and ensure compliance.

  • New Withholding Tax Rates:

The Act introduces new withholding tax rates for various categories of payments. These rates may differ from previous tax laws, and it’s essential to be aware of the updated rates for accurate tax deductions.

Implication: Businesses responsible for withholding tax must update their systems to reflect the new rates and ensure correct deductions.

  • Digital Transactions:

With the growing importance of the digital economy, the Act introduces withholding tax on digital transactions. Payments made for digital advertising, streaming services, and online purchases may now be subject to withholding tax.

Implication: Companies involved in digital transactions, such as e-commerce platforms and digital advertisers, must implement withholding tax procedures on relevant payments.

  • Contract Awards:

The Act imposes withholding tax on payments made for contract awards. This affects businesses that engage in contract-based activities, such as construction, consultancy, and service contracts.

Implication: Businesses involved in contract-based transactions should be aware of the withholding tax obligations and incorporate them into contract terms.

  • Compliance and Reporting Requirements:

The Act places a significant emphasis on compliance and reporting. Businesses and individuals responsible for withholding tax are required to remit the deducted taxes to the relevant tax authorities and provide accurate reports.

Implication: Proper record keeping and timely remittance are essential to avoid penalties for non-compliance.

  • Interplay with Double Taxation Treaties (DTTs):

The Act acknowledges the impact of Double Taxation Treaties (DTTs) on withholding tax rates. Where a DTT exists between Nigeria and another country, the DTT provisions prevail over domestic withholding tax rates.

Implication: Businesses engaged in cross-border transactions must consider the provisions of relevant DTTs when determining withholding tax rates.


The Nigeria Finance Act 2022 introduces significant changes to withholding tax provisions, expanding the scope of taxable transactions and updating withholding tax rates. These changes aim to ensure that taxes are accurately deducted at the source, promoting tax compliance and revenue generation for the government. By doing so, taxpayers can navigate the evolving tax landscape in Nigeria and fulfill their tax obligations accurately and efficiently.

For professional advice on Accountancy, Transfer Pricing, Tax, Assurance, Outsourcing, online accounting support, Company Registration, and CAC matters, please contact Sunmola David & CO (Chartered Accountants & Tax Practitioners) at Lagos, Ogun state Nigeria offices, www.sunmoladavid.com . You can also reach us via WhatsApp at +2348038460036.
