Tax Planning Strategies Under the Nigeria Finance Act 2019.

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Tax planning is a crucial aspect of financial management for individuals and businesses alike. In 2019, the Nigerian government introduced the Finance Act, a comprehensive legislation aimed at reforming the country’s tax system. For taxpayers, understanding and implementing effective tax planning strategies under the Nigeria Finance Act 2019 can lead to significant benefits, including reduced tax liabilities, improved cash flow, and compliance with the law. In this article, we explore key tax planning strategies that individuals and businesses can adopt to optimize their tax positions while staying in line with the Act.

1. Understanding the Tax Act Provisions:

The first step in effective tax planning is to understand the provisions of the Nigeria Finance Act 2019. The Act covers various aspects of taxation, including corporate tax, personal income tax, value-added tax (VAT), capital gains tax, and more. Engaging the services of a professional accounting firm can help individuals and businesses comprehend the Act’s complexities, identify opportunities, and ensure full compliance.

2. Leveraging Tax Incentives:

The Finance Act 2019 introduced several tax incentives to promote specific economic activities and investments. Businesses should explore opportunities to leverage these incentives to their advantage. For instance, SMEs may consider applying for pioneer status to benefit from tax holidays, while companies engaged in eligible research and development projects can take advantage of the research and development tax credit. By understanding and optimizing available incentives, taxpayers can reduce their overall tax burden and encourage growth in strategic sectors.

3. Strategic Timing of Income and Expenditures:

For individuals, timing the receipt of income and expenses can have a significant impact on taxable income. Under the Nigeria Finance Act 2019, the timing of income recognition and expenditure deduction can be managed to optimize tax liability. For example, deferring income recognition to a subsequent tax year or accelerating deductible expenses can help reduce the current year’s tax burden.

4. Capital Allowances and Depreciation Planning:

The Finance Act 2019 introduced changes in the computation of capital allowances and depreciation for businesses. It is essential for businesses to review their fixed assets and adopt appropriate depreciation policies to maximize tax benefits. Additionally, the Act provides for enhanced investment deductions on qualifying plant and machinery, making it advantageous for businesses to invest in modernization and expansion.

5. Taking Advantage of Tax Credits:

Tax credits are valuable tools for reducing tax liabilities. The Finance Act 2019 introduced several tax credits, including the education tax credit for startups and the R&D tax credit for companies engaged in research and development activities. Identifying eligible tax credits and claiming them appropriately can result in substantial tax savings.

6. Efficient VAT Planning:

VAT is a significant component of the Nigeria Finance Act 2019, and businesses should focus on optimizing their VAT planning. This includes ensuring accurate VAT registration, compliance with invoicing and reporting requirements, and claiming eligible input tax credits. Proper VAT planning can enhance cash flow and minimize potential disputes with tax authorities.

7. Structuring Business Transactions Wisely:

The Act introduced various anti-avoidance measures to prevent aggressive tax planning schemes. Therefore, it is crucial for businesses to structure transactions in a manner that is commercially sound and compliant with the law. Engaging in artificial arrangements solely for tax benefits can lead to penalties and reputational damage.


Tax planning under the Nigeria Finance Act 2019 is a proactive and strategic approach to managing tax liabilities while complying with the law. Individuals and businesses should stay informed about the Act’s provisions, take advantage of available tax incentives and credits, and implement effective tax planning strategies. Seeking guidance from a reputable accounting firm can make a substantial difference in optimizing tax positions and achieving financial goals. By adopting smart tax planning practices, taxpayers can contribute to their financial success and support Nigeria’s economic growth in the long term.

For professional advice on Accountancy, Transfer Pricing, Tax, Assurance, Outsourcing, online accounting support, Company Registration, and CAC matters, please contact Sunmola David & CO (Chartered Accountants & Tax Practitioners) at Lagos, Ogun state Nigeria offices, You can also reach us via WhatsApp at +2348038460036.
