September 15, 2023

Tax Implications of Employee Benefits: Insights from the Nigeria Finance Act 2019.

Introduction: Employee benefits are a crucial aspect of modern employment packages, helping organizations attract and retain top talent while ensuring employee satisfaction and well-being. However, both employers and employees need to be aware of the tax implications associated with these benefits. The Nigeria Finance Act 2019 brought significant changes to the taxation of employee benefits, impacting how they are assessed, taxed, and reported. In this article, we will explore the key insights from the Finance Act 2019 regarding the tax implications of employee benefits in Nigeria. 1. Taxation of Benefits in Kind: The Finance Act 2019 introduced changes to the taxation of benefits in kind, such as accommodation, vehicles, and non-cash rewards provided by employers to employees. These benefits are now subject to Pay As You Earn (PAYE) taxation. Employers are required to calculate the taxable value of these benefits and deduct the appropriate taxes from employees’ salaries. 2. Value of Benefits in Kind: To determine the taxable value of benefits in kind, the Finance Act 2019 provides guidelines for calculating the fair market value of these benefits. This includes considerations for the market value of the benefit, the number of days it was provided, and any payments made by the employee for the benefit. 3. Tax Relief for Pensions: The Act provides tax relief for employer contributions to approved pension schemes. Employer contributions to employees’ pension funds are not subject to tax, up to a specified limit. This provision encourages employers to support their employees’ retirement planning and financial security. 4. Taxation of Bonuses and Gratuities: The Finance Act 2019 introduced changes to the taxation of bonuses and gratuities. These payments are now subject to tax under the PAYE system. Employers are responsible for deducting taxes from these payments and remitting them to the tax authorities. 5. Reporting and Compliance: Employers are required to maintain accurate records of employee benefits and deductions for tax purposes. Proper record-keeping and compliance with reporting requirements are essential to avoid penalties and legal consequences. Employers must also provide employees with detailed statements outlining the tax deductions made from their salaries. 6. Seeking Professional Guidance: Navigating the complex tax implications of employee benefits can be challenging. Employers and employees are encouraged to seek professional guidance from accounting and tax experts to ensure compliance with the new regulations and optimize tax planning strategies. Conclusion: The Nigeria Finance Act 2019 has introduced significant changes to the taxation of employee benefits, emphasizing transparency, accuracy, and compliance. Both employers and employees must be aware of these changes and take appropriate steps to meet their tax obligations. By understanding the tax implications of employee benefits and seeking professional guidance, employers can ensure responsible tax practices while employees can effectively plan for their tax liabilities. The Finance Act 2019 aligns with the government’s commitment to a fair and transparent tax system that supports economic growth and development in Nigeria. For professional advice on Accountancy, Transfer Pricing, Tax, Assurance, Outsourcing, online accounting support, Company Registration, and CAC matters, please contact Sunmola David & CO (Chartered Accountants & Tax Practitioners) at Lagos, Ogun state Nigeria offices, You can also reach us via WhatsApp at +2348038460036.

Tax Implications of Employee Benefits: Insights from the Nigeria Finance Act 2019. Read More »

The Finance Act 2019 and Its Impact on the Informal Sector of Nigerian Businesses.

Introduction: The informal sector has long been a significant contributor to Nigeria’s economy, providing employment opportunities, goods, and services to a substantial portion of the population. Recognizing the importance of this sector, the Nigeria Finance Act 2019 introduced several provisions that have implications for informal businesses. In this article, we will explore the key impacts of the Finance Act 2019 on the informal sector and the implications for small-scale businesses and entrepreneurs. 1. Registration and Taxation of Informal Businesses: One of the notable changes introduced by the Finance Act 2019 is the requirement for informal businesses to register for tax purposes. Previously, many informal businesses operated without formal registration, making it challenging for tax authorities to track their activities. With the new provisions, informal businesses are now required to register and obtain Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TINs). 2. Digital Tax Transactions: The Act also extends its reach to digital transactions, which are prevalent in the informal sector. The introduction of electronic tax transactions means that small-scale entrepreneurs involved in e-commerce and other digital activities must now consider their tax obligations and remit taxes on eligible transactions. 3. Simplified Tax Procedures: To accommodate the informal sector’s unique characteristics, the Finance Act 2019 introduced simplified tax procedures and reduced tax rates for small businesses. This includes a lower turnover threshold for value-added tax (VAT) registration, making it easier for small businesses to comply with tax regulations. 4. Incentives for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs): The Act provides incentives for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), many of which operate in the informal sector. These incentives include reduced income tax rates and exemptions for businesses with an annual turnover below a specified threshold. These measures aim to promote the growth and development of small businesses. 5. Access to Finance: The Finance Act 2019 recognizes the challenges faced by informal businesses in accessing finance. To address this issue, the Act provides incentives for financial institutions to lend to MSMEs by offering preferential tax rates on income derived from such lending activities. This can potentially make it easier for small businesses to access the capital they need for growth. 6. Compliance and Education: The Act also places an emphasis on tax compliance education for informal sector businesses. Government agencies are tasked with providing guidance and support to help informal businesses understand their tax obligations and navigate the new tax landscape. Conclusion: The Nigeria Finance Act 2019 has introduced several changes that impact the informal sector of Nigerian businesses. While these changes bring formalization and increased tax compliance to the sector, they also offer incentives and simplified procedures to support the growth of small businesses and entrepreneurs. By embracing the changes and leveraging available incentives, informal sector businesses can contribute to Nigeria’s economic development while ensuring responsible tax practices. The Finance Act 2019 represents an opportunity for the informal sector to formalize, access financial resources, and thrive in a changing economic landscape. For professional advice on Accountancy, Transfer Pricing, Tax, Assurance, Outsourcing, online accounting support, Company Registration, and CAC matters, please contact Sunmola David & CO (Chartered Accountants & Tax Practitioners) at Lagos, Ogun state Nigeria offices, You can also reach us via WhatsApp at +2348038460036.

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Expatriate Taxation in Nigeria: What’s New from the Finance Act 2019.

Introduction: Expatriates, or foreign nationals working in Nigeria, have long been an essential part of the country’s diverse workforce, contributing their skills and expertise to various industries. To ensure fair and efficient taxation of this group, the Nigeria Finance Act 2019 introduced several changes to the taxation of expatriates working in Nigeria. These changes have implications for both individuals and organizations employing expatriates. In this article, we will explore the key updates on expatriate taxation brought about by the Finance Act 2019 and their practical implications. 1. Definition of Expatriates: The Finance Act 2019 provides a clear definition of expatriates for tax purposes. It defines an expatriate as an individual who is not a Nigerian citizen and is employed in Nigeria. This definition helps differentiate expatriates from local employees for tax assessment purposes. 2. Withholding Tax on Benefits: One significant change introduced by the Act is the imposition of withholding tax on certain benefits provided to expatriates. These benefits include non-monetary benefits such as accommodation, meals, and transportation. Employers are now required to deduct withholding tax on the value of these benefits provided to expatriate employees and remit it to the tax authorities. 3. Tax Relief for Expatriate Employees: The Finance Act 2019 also provides tax relief for expatriate employees in the form of tax exemptions on certain income categories. Income earned by expatriates from services rendered outside Nigeria for a non-resident employer is exempt from Nigerian tax. This exemption is aimed at attracting foreign expertise and encouraging investments in Nigeria. 4. Determination of Tax Residency: The Act clarifies the criteria for determining the tax residency of individuals in Nigeria. It establishes that an individual is considered a tax resident in Nigeria if they stay in Nigeria for 183 days or more in any 12-month period or if their income is derived from Nigeria. This definition helps tax authorities assess the tax liability of expatriate workers more accurately. 5. Reporting Requirements: Expatriate employees and their employers are now subject to reporting requirements. Employers are required to furnish the tax authorities with the details of expatriate employees, including their income and benefits. Expatriate employees are also required to provide relevant information for tax assessment purposes. 6. Professional Guidance: Navigating the complexities of expatriate taxation in Nigeria, especially in light of the Finance Act 2019 changes, requires professional guidance. Employers and expatriates should engage tax experts who are well-versed in the new regulations to ensure compliance and optimize tax planning. Conclusion: The Nigeria Finance Act 2019 has introduced significant changes to the taxation of expatriates working in Nigeria. These changes aim to create a fair and transparent tax framework for both foreign employees and the government. It is essential for expatriate employees and their employers to stay informed about these changes, understand their implications, and seek professional guidance to ensure compliance and efficient tax planning. By adhering to the new regulations and leveraging available tax incentives, expatriates can contribute to the growth and development of Nigeria while ensuring responsible tax practices. For professional advice on Accountancy, Transfer Pricing, Tax, Assurance, Outsourcing, online accounting support, Company Registration, and CAC matters, please contact Sunmola David & CO (Chartered Accountants & Tax Practitioners) at Lagos, Ogun state Nigeria offices, You can also reach us via WhatsApp at +2348038460036.

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Updates on Stamp Duties: Finance Act 2019 Changes and Application.

Introduction: Stamp duties have long been a significant part of Nigeria’s revenue collection framework. These duties are levied on various legal documents and financial transactions to generate revenue for the government. The Nigeria Finance Act 2019 introduced several changes to the stamp duties regime, impacting the scope, rates, and collection of these duties. In this article, we will explore the key updates on stamp duties brought about by the Finance Act 2019 and their practical application for individuals and businesses. 1. Expanded Scope of Chargeable Transactions: The Finance Act 2019 expanded the scope of transactions subject to stamp duties. While traditional documents like agreements, deeds, and leases have always attracted stamp duties, the Act now includes electronic transactions and certain banking transactions. This means that electronic transfers, electronic receipts, and other financial transactions are now subject to stamp duties. 2. Electronic Stamp Duty: The Act introduced the concept of electronic stamp duty. It mandates that electronic transfers and receipts above ₦10,000 in value must be stamped electronically at a duty rate of ₦50 per transfer. This change aims to capture the growing prevalence of electronic financial transactions and ensure that they contribute to government revenue. 3. Stamp Duties on Lease and Rental Agreements: The Finance Act 2019 revised the stamp duty rates on lease and rental agreements. These rates now depend on the term of the lease or rental period and the value of the property. It’s crucial for property owners, tenants, and real estate professionals to accurately determine the applicable stamp duty rates and ensure proper compliance. 4. Stamp Duties on Bank Deposits and Transfers: The Act introduced a duty on bank transfers and deposits over ₦10,000. While deposits attract a flat rate of ₦50 per ₦10,000, transfers have a graduated rate, with higher amounts incurring higher duties. It’s essential for individuals and businesses to factor in these stamp duties when conducting financial transactions through banks. 5. Compliance and Enforcement: The Finance Act 2019 empowers relevant authorities to enforce stamp duties compliance. Failure to pay stamp duties or affix the required stamps to documents and transactions may result in penalties and legal consequences. Therefore, it’s essential to maintain proper records, calculate stamp duties accurately, and ensure timely compliance. 6. Professional Guidance: Navigating the updated stamp duties regime can be complex, given the expanded scope and revised rates. Seeking professional guidance from accounting and legal experts is crucial for individuals and businesses to ensure compliance and minimize the risk of errors, penalties, or disputes. Conclusion: The Nigeria Finance Act 2019 has introduced significant updates to the stamp duties regime, reflecting the government’s commitment to expanding revenue sources and ensuring that financial transactions, including electronic transfers, contribute their fair share of duties. Individuals and businesses must stay informed about these changes and incorporate them into their financial planning and transaction processes. By understanding the new provisions, calculating stamp duties accurately, and maintaining compliance with the law, taxpayers can contribute to a more robust and equitable revenue collection system while avoiding potential legal and financial pitfalls. For professional advice on Accountancy, Transfer Pricing, Tax, Assurance, Outsourcing, online accounting support, Company Registration, and CAC matters, please contact Sunmola David & CO (Chartered Accountants & Tax Practitioners) at Lagos, Ogun state Nigeria offices, You can also reach us via WhatsApp at +2348038460036.

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The Role of Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) under the Nigeria Finance Act 2019.

Introduction: The Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is a unique identifier assigned to individuals and businesses for tax purposes. It plays a pivotal role in modern tax administration, enhancing transparency, accountability, and compliance. In Nigeria, the Finance Act 2019 introduced reforms that significantly underscore the importance of the TIN system in the country’s tax framework. In this article, we will explore the key role of the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) under the Nigeria Finance Act 2019 and its implications for taxpayers. 1. Mandatory TIN Requirement for Transactions: One of the central provisions of the Finance Act 2019 is the requirement for individuals and businesses to provide their TIN when engaging in various transactions. These transactions include opening and operating bank accounts, registering vehicles, obtaining licenses, and conducting business transactions with government agencies. The TIN serves as a primary means of identifying taxpayers and tracking their financial activities. 2. Facilitating Taxpayer Compliance: The TIN system is a powerful tool for promoting taxpayer compliance. By linking transactions to specific TINs, tax authorities can monitor financial activities more effectively. This helps deter tax evasion and encourages individuals and businesses to meet their tax obligations promptly. 3. Streamlining Tax Refunds and Credits: Under the Finance Act 2019, taxpayers can use their TINs to claim tax refunds and credits more efficiently. This streamlines the process of receiving refunds for overpaid taxes or claiming tax credits, reducing administrative burdens for both taxpayers and tax authorities. 4. Enhancing Data Accuracy: The TIN system contributes to the accuracy and integrity of taxpayer data. It helps prevent multiple registrations and ensures that individuals and businesses have a single, consistent tax identity. This, in turn, reduces errors in tax assessments and enhances the overall efficiency of tax administration. 5. Strengthening the Formal Economy: By requiring TINs for various financial and business transactions, the Finance Act 2019 encourages the formalization of economic activities. This shift from the informal to the formal economy enables the government to expand its tax base and generate additional revenue for public services and development. 6. Improving Access to Financial Services: Having a TIN can also improve individuals’ and businesses’ access to financial services. Many financial institutions require a TIN for account opening and other financial transactions. Therefore, obtaining a TIN can be seen as a prerequisite for engaging in the formal financial sector. Conclusion: The Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is a fundamental component of Nigeria’s tax administration system, and its significance has been further emphasized by the Nigeria Finance Act 2019. By requiring TINs for various transactions and incorporating them into the tax framework, the government aims to enhance transparency, accountability, and compliance within the tax system. Compliance with TIN requirements not only facilitates smoother transactions but also contributes to a more robust and equitable tax system that benefits both taxpayers and the nation as a whole. For professional advice on Accountancy, Transfer Pricing, Tax, Assurance, Outsourcing, online accounting support, Company Registration, and CAC matters, please contact Sunmola David & CO (Chartered Accountants & Tax Practitioners) at Lagos, Ogun state Nigeria offices, You can also reach us via WhatsApp at +2348038460036.

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Evaluating Tax Policies in Lagos: A Look at LIRS’s Contribution to Growth for Nigerian Businesses.

Introduction: Lagos, Nigeria’s economic nerve center is a vibrant hub for businesses of all sizes and industries. The Lagos Inland Revenue Service (LIRS) plays a pivotal role in shaping the tax policies that impact businesses operating in the state. The effectiveness of these tax policies is a critical factor in the growth and success of Nigerian businesses. In this article, we will examine the significance of tax policies in Lagos, the role of the LIRS in their formulation, and their contribution to the growth and sustainability of businesses in Nigeria. The Significance of Tax Policies: Tax policies are the set of principles and rules that govern how taxes are imposed and collected. They have a profound impact on businesses, influencing their financial health, competitiveness, and ability to thrive. Well-designed tax policies can encourage investment, economic growth and job creation, while poorly conceived policies can stifle business activity and hinder development. The Role of LIRS in Shaping Tax Policies: The LIRS is the state agency responsible for collecting taxes on behalf of the Lagos State government. Its role in shaping tax policies is multifaceted: Contribution to Business Growth: The tax policies formulated and implemented by the LIRS have several positive implications for Nigerian businesses: Conclusion: Tax policies are a fundamental driver of economic growth and business development in Lagos and across Nigeria. The Lagos Inland Revenue Service, as the key tax authority in the state, plays a crucial role in shaping and implementing these policies. By actively engaging with stakeholders, monitoring their impact, and promoting fairness and equity, the LIRS contributes significantly to the growth, competitiveness, and sustainability of Nigerian businesses. As the business landscape evolves, the collaboration between the LIRS and the business community will continue to be instrumental in ensuring that tax policies remain supportive of economic growth and development in Lagos and Nigeria as a whole. For professional advice on Accountancy, Transfer Pricing, Tax, Assurance, Outsourcing, online accounting support, Company Registration, and CAC matters, please contact Sunmola David & CO (Chartered Accountants & Tax Practitioners) at Lagos, Ogun state Nigeria offices, You can also reach us via WhatsApp at +2348038460036.

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Promoting Taxpayer Awareness: Lagos Inland Revenue Service’s Outreach Programs.

Introduction: Taxation is a fundamental pillar of any thriving economy, providing the government with the revenue needed to finance public services and infrastructure development. However, for a tax system to function effectively, it requires the active participation and compliance of taxpayers. In Lagos, Nigeria’s bustling economic hub, the Lagos Inland Revenue Service (LIRS) recognizes the importance of promoting taxpayer awareness and understanding. To achieve this goal, the LIRS has implemented a series of outreach programs aimed at educating and engaging taxpayers. In this article, we will explore the significance of these programs and their impact on fostering a culture of tax compliance in Lagos. The Importance of Taxpayer Awareness: Taxpayer awareness is a critical element of a successful tax system for several reasons: LIRS’s Outreach Programs: The Lagos Inland Revenue Service has implemented a range of outreach programs to promote taxpayer awareness: The Impact on Taxpayer Compliance: The LIRS’s outreach programs have had a notable impact on taxpayer compliance: Conclusion: Promoting taxpayer awareness is essential for building a robust and transparent tax ecosystem in Lagos, Nigeria. The Lagos Inland Revenue Service’s proactive approach to taxpayer education and engagement through seminars, workshops, campaigns, and outreach programs has yielded positive results. Informed and engaged taxpayers are more likely to comply with tax regulations, leading to increased government revenue and improved public services. As the LIRS continues to refine and expand its outreach efforts, the collaboration between tax authorities and taxpayers will be instrumental in driving mutual trust and ensuring a vibrant and responsive tax system in Lagos. For professional advice on Accountancy, Transfer Pricing, Tax, Assurance, Outsourcing, online accounting support, Company Registration, and CAC matters, please contact Sunmola David & CO (Chartered Accountants & Tax Practitioners) at Lagos, Ogun state Nigeria offices, You can also reach us via WhatsApp at +2348038460036.

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Tax Dispute Resolution: Navigating Lagos Inland Revenue Service’s Mechanisms in Nigeria.

Introduction: Taxation is a critical source of revenue for governments around the world including Nigeria. However, disputes between taxpayers and tax authorities can sometimes arise, leading to legal uncertainties and financial burdens for both parties. To address these issues efficiently and fairly, the Lagos Inland Revenue Service (LIRS) has established mechanisms for tax dispute resolution. In this article, we will explore the LIRS’s approach to resolving tax disputes in Nigeria, highlighting its significance and key components. The Importance of Effective Tax Dispute Resolution: Effective tax dispute resolution is essential for several reasons: LIRS’s Mechanisms for Tax Dispute Resolution: The LIRS has put in place a comprehensive framework for tax dispute resolution, encompassing the following key components: The Significance of LIRS’s Approach: The LIRS’s approach to tax dispute resolution holds several significant advantages: Conclusion: Effective tax dispute resolution mechanisms are essential for maintaining a fair and efficient tax system in Nigeria. The Lagos Inland Revenue Service’s approach, which includes administrative review, ADR, and the Tax Appeal Tribunal, provides taxpayers with multiple avenues to resolve disputes promptly and fairly. This not only reduces the burden on the court system but also contributes to legal certainty, efficiency, and investor confidence. As the LIRS continues to refine its dispute resolution processes, the collaboration between taxpayers and tax authorities will be instrumental in promoting mutual trust and ensuring a vibrant and transparent tax ecosystem in Lagos and Nigeria as a whole. For professional advice on Accountancy, Transfer Pricing, Tax, Assurance, Outsourcing, online accounting support, Company Registration, and CAC matters, please contact Sunmola David & CO (Chartered Accountants & Tax Practitioners) at Lagos, Ogun state Nigeria offices, You can also reach us via WhatsApp at +2348038460036.

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LIRS’s Approach to Addressing Tax Compliance Challenges in the Informal Sector of Nigeria.

Introduction: Nigeria’s informal sector is a bustling and dynamic segment of the economy. It comprises a diverse range of activities, from street vendors and artisans to small-scale traders and service providers. While the informal sector is a significant contributor to economic activity and employment, it has historically faced challenges when it comes to tax compliance. The Lagos Inland Revenue Service (LIRS) recognizes the importance of bringing the informal sector into the tax net and has implemented a strategic approach to address these compliance challenges. In this article, we will explore the LIRS’s approach to fostering tax compliance in the informal sector and its significance for the Nigerian economy. The Informal Sector in Nigeria: The informal sector in Nigeria is substantial, accounting for a significant portion of economic activity and employment. However, due to its often-cash-based nature, informality, and limited record-keeping, tax compliance has been historically low in this sector. This has resulted in revenue leakage and a missed opportunity for the government to collect much-needed tax revenue. LIRS’s Approach to Addressing Tax Compliance Challenges: The Significance for the Nigerian Economy: The LIRS’s approach to addressing tax compliance challenges in the informal sector has several significant implications for the Nigerian economy: Conclusion: The Lagos Inland Revenue Service’s approach to addressing tax compliance challenges in the informal sector of Nigeria is a significant step towards harnessing the full potential of this dynamic segment of the economy. Through education, simplification of processes, and collaboration with informal sector associations, the LIRS is paving the way for greater tax compliance. This, in turn, contributes to increased government revenue, economic formalization, and improved public services, ultimately benefiting both informal sector operators and the broader Nigerian society. As the LIRS continues to refine its approach, the collaboration between tax authorities and informal sector stakeholders will be instrumental in driving mutual prosperity and sustainable development in Nigeria. For professional advice on Accountancy, Transfer Pricing, Tax, Assurance, Outsourcing, online accounting support, Company Registration, and CAC matters, please contact Sunmola David & CO (Chartered Accountants & Tax Practitioners) at Lagos, Ogun state Nigeria offices, You can also reach us via WhatsApp at +2348038460036.

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Inland Revenue’s Role in Strengthening Lagos’ Investment Climate in Nigeria.

Introduction: Lagos, Nigeria’s commercial capital, has long been recognized as the economic heartbeat of the country. Its bustling metropolis, thriving industries, and dynamic business environment make it a magnet for domestic and international investments. At the center of this vibrant economic landscape is the Lagos Inland Revenue Service (LIRS), which plays a pivotal role in creating and maintaining a conducive investment climate. In this article, we will explore how the LIRS contributes to strengthening Lagos’ investment climate, highlighting its significance and key initiatives. The Investment Climate in Lagos: Lagos’ investment climate is characterized by its strategic location, robust infrastructure, diverse economy, and a burgeoning consumer market. The state has attracted investments across various sectors, including finance, technology, manufacturing, real estate, and entertainment. However, maintaining and enhancing this favorable investment climate requires proactive efforts from government agencies like the LIRS. The LIRS’s Role in Strengthening the Investment Climate: The Impact on Lagos’ Investment Climate: The LIRS’s efforts to strengthen Lagos’ investment climate have had a substantial impact: Conclusion: The Lagos Inland Revenue Service plays a vital role in creating a favorable investment climate in Lagos, Nigeria. Through a combination of tax incentives, transparent tax administration, infrastructure development, and investor education, the LIRS contributes to the growth and diversification of the local economy. As Lagos continues to attract investments and position itself as a global economic hub, the collaborative efforts of the LIRS and the business community will be instrumental in driving mutual prosperity and sustainable development in the region. For professional advice on Accountancy, Transfer Pricing, Tax, Assurance, Outsourcing, online accounting support, Company Registration, and CAC matters, please contact Sunmola David & CO (Chartered Accountants & Tax Practitioners) at Lagos, Ogun state Nigeria offices, You can also reach us via WhatsApp at +2348038460036.

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