Transfer Pricing and Customs Valuation: Aligning Transfer Pricing and Import/Export Duties in Nigeria.


In an era of global trade and economic integration, transfer pricing has gained prominence as a critical area of concern for multinational enterprises (MNEs) engaged in cross-border transactions. However, a related and often overlooked aspect is the alignment of transfer pricing practices with customs valuation regulations. In Nigeria, where international trade plays a vital role in the economy, ensuring harmony between transfer pricing and customs valuation is essential to avoid discrepancies in import and export duties. In this article, we will delve into the significance of aligning transfer pricing and customs valuation and provide insights for Nigerian businesses.

Understanding Transfer Pricing and Customs Valuation:

Transfer pricing involves determining the appropriate prices for transactions between related entities within a multinational group. Customs valuation, on the other hand, pertains to the determination of the value of imported or exported goods for the purpose of assessing customs duties and taxes.

It is important to note that discrepancies between the values declared for customs purposes and those used for transfer pricing can lead to compliance issues and potential disputes.

Importance of Alignment:

Nigerian businesses engaged in cross-border trade must recognize the importance of aligning transfer pricing practices with customs valuation for the following reasons:

  • Avoiding Penalties and Disputes: Inconsistencies between transfer pricing and customs valuation can attract penalties, delays in customs clearance, and potential legal disputes.
  • Enhancing Transparency: Harmonizing these two areas fosters transparency in business operations and dealings with regulatory authorities.
  • Efficient Resource Management: Alignment reduces the need for duplicative efforts in preparing documentation for both customs and transfer pricing purposes.

Key Considerations for Alignment:

Nigerian companies seeking to align transfer pricing and customs valuation should consider the following:

  • Documentation Consistency: Ensure that the information provided in transfer pricing documentation aligns with the details submitted for customs valuation purposes.
  • Comparable Analysis: When determining transfer prices, consider customs regulations and guidelines to ensure that the prices are in line with the arm’s length principle.
  • Intercompany Agreements: Clearly outline in intercompany agreements the terms and conditions related to pricing, and ensure that they are consistent with customs valuation regulations.
  • Functional Analysis: Assess the functions, risks, and contributions of entities involved in cross-border transactions to determine appropriate pricing and customs valuation.

Challenges and Mitigation Strategies:

Aligning transfer pricing and customs valuation comes with its challenges:

  • Data Discrepancies: Mismatched or inconsistent data between transfer pricing documentation and customs valuation declarations can lead to compliance issues.
  • Complexity of Regulations: Both transfer pricing and customs valuation regulations can be intricate and require a comprehensive understanding.

To mitigate these challenges, businesses can benefit from seeking professional assistance from accounting and tax experts with expertise in both transfer pricing and customs valuation.


Harmonizing transfer pricing practices with customs valuation regulations is a crucial consideration for Nigerian businesses engaged in cross-border trade. By ensuring consistency between transfer pricing documentation and customs valuation declarations, companies can navigate potential pitfalls, maintain compliance, and contribute to a transparent and conducive trade environment in Nigeria.

For professional advice on Accountancy, Transfer Pricing, Tax, Assurance, Outsourcing, online accounting support, Company Registration, and CAC matters, please contact Sunmola David & CO (Chartered Accountants & Tax Practitioners) at Lagos, Ogun state Nigeria offices, You can also reach us via WhatsApp at +2348038460036.
