LIRS To Introduce Unique Biometrics-Based Identifier For Taxpayers

The Lagos State Internal Revenue Service (LIRS) has issued a public notice (the Notice) on its intention to integrate the LASG-EBS Taxpayer Identification Digit (PID) module into the National Tax Identification Number (TIN) system with the Joint Tax Board (JTB). The TIN module is biometrics-based, with the aim of ensuring identity uniqueness for taxpayers.

The proposed integration is set to achieve the following objectives: Facilitate smooth sharing of taxpayers’ data for JTB, State Board Internal Revenue Services (SBIRS’s) and other stakeholders

    Remove the incidence of multi payer ID

    Simplify the taxpayers’ registration process

    Provide a unified taxpayer database

    Ease the tax payment process

The Notice states that going forward, access to LASG-EBS platform for all transactions including but not limited to registration and creation of payer ID for new taxpayers, payment of taxes and validation of taxpayers’ profile shall compulsorily require taxpayers’ Bank Verification Number (BVN). The BVN provides LIRS the fastest and least disruptive route to achieving the planned integration with the JTB-TIN system. Based on the above, all self-employed individuals are required to provide their BVNs to LIRS in order to assist in the creation of their unique PID. Corporate organisations are also required to ensure that their employees who qualify for tax clearance certificate include their BVN in their individual e-TCC forms. The integration is expected to provide LIRS with a more reliable taxpayers’ database which will improve planning, reduce tax evasion and invariably increase tax revenue. In an attempt to address the potential reluctance of taxpayers to share personal and confidential information, LIRS has assured taxpayers of the safety and security of all data/information in its custody. Please click here for a copy of the public notice. We will continue to monitor developments on this issue and share further updates with you as they become available.


Source: Punch
