Clickdms standby help dealers making tax digital vat

DMS and website provider Click Dealer has been officially included in HMRC’s ‘Software in Development’ list for submitting VAT returns digitally. Through its award winning ClickDMS software, Click Dealer is now ideally suited to help dealers comply with the new ‘Making Tax Digital’ regulations. For dealers over the £85,000 VAT threshold, all VAT periods that began on or after April 1, 2019, are required to be filed via a HMRC recognized platform, either by the dealers directly, or through their appointed accountants. Click Dealer is now warning that time is of the essence for those dealers that have not yet decided how they are going to comply with HMRC’s new regulations.

The main difference ‘Making Tax Digital for VAT’ brings for UK dealers is that the software must be capable of keeping and maintaining the records specified in the regulations. This software must also facilitate preparation of their VAT Returns using the information maintained in digital records and communicate with HMRC digitally via its Application Programming Interface (API) platform. From April 1, 2019, dealers who sign up to ‘Making Tax Digital for VAT’ (or agents signing up on behalf of dealer clients) need software that allows them to submit VAT Returns and keep records of sales and purchases. In recent times, it has become commonplace for dealers’ records and accounts to be stored digitally, utilizing software programmes on computers, tablets, Smartphone applications, or even maintaining them through these devices and storing them by using a cloud-based application. As ClickDMS is already setup and ready to assist dealers with meeting the ‘Making Tax Digital for VAT’ regulations, the independent dealer performance partner can help dealers to comply with the new VAT notice straightaway. If dealer’s digital records are up to date, ClickDMS will be able to collate and prepare their returns. Via one simple push of a button, ClickDMS displays the return and asks dealers to declare that it is correct, before confirming that they want to submit it to HMRC. Dealers will then receive confirmation that they have submitted their return successfully. Click Dealer director and head of customer care Pippa Rawlinson, pictured, said: ‘We’ve been working hard in the background to ensure that ClickDMS is setup to make compliance with HMRC’s ‘Making Tax Digital for VAT’ regulations as easy as possible for our dealers. ‘The process we now have in place ensures a seamless journey for dealers, who can submit their VAT digitally by the click of a button within ClickDMS. ‘Our dealers can rest assured that we will help them every step of the way, we don’t do fear mongering and will work with them to ensure that they remain compliant!’


Source: Magazine 
